HMC656LP2 - Fixed Passive SMT Attenuator, DC - 25 GHz
HMC656LP2是AD公司的一款固定衰減器產品,HMC656LP2是Fixed Passive SMT Attenuator, DC - 25 GHz,本站介紹了HMC656LP2的封裝應用圖解、特點和優點、功能等,并給出了與HMC656LP2相關的AD元器件型號供參考。
HMC656LP2 - Fixed Passive SMT Attenuator, DC - 25 GHz - 固定衰減器 - 射頻和微波 - Analog Devices, LLC
The HMC656LP2E / 657LP2E / 658LP2E are a line of wideband fixed value SMT 50 Ohm matched attenuators which offer relative attenuation levels of 10, 15 and 20 dB respectively. These passive attenuators are ideal for military, test equipment, and other wideband applications where extremely flat attenuation, and excellent VSWR vs. frequency are required. These wideband attenuators handle up to +25 dBm of input power, and are compatible with high volume surface mount manufacturing techniques.
Fiber Optics Microwave Radio Military & Space Test & Measurement Scientific Instruments RF / Microwave Circuit Prototyping優勢和特點
3 Attenuator Products: 10, 15, & 20 dB Fixed Attenuation LevelsWide Bandwidth: DC - 25 GHzExcellent Attenuation AccuracyPower Handling: +25 dBm6 Lead 2x2mm SMT Package: 4mm²
EVAL-HMC656LP2 - HMC656LP2 評估板:本頁提供評估HMC656LP2的評估板訂購信息。
EVAL-HMC656LP2 - 無:無
HMC331 - 無源倍頻器芯片,12 - 18 GHz FinAD5732R - 完整的雙通道、14位、串行輸入、單極性/雙極性、電壓輸出DACADM7172 - 6.5 V、2 A、超低噪聲、高PSRR、快速瞬變響應CMOS LDOADM708 - 3 V電壓監控微處理器監控電路ADL5566 - 4.5 GHz 超高動態范圍雙通道差分放大器HMC562 - 寬帶驅動放大器芯片,2 - 35 GHzAD8197B - 具有均衡特性的4:1 HDMI/DVI開關ADUM1280 - 3kV rms、默認輸出高電平、雙通道數字隔離器(2/0通道方向性)AD5755-1 - 四通道、16位、串行輸入、4-20mA和電壓輸出DAC,提供動態電源控制和HART連接AD8030 - 低功耗、高速軌到軌輸入/輸出運算放大器